Category: Coding

  • Oh no my gpg key expired (like every year)



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    Who doesn’t love encryption and security? I like to sign my git commits, and for this I need PGP keys. They are cool when they work and you don’t need to think about them, but every now and then they need to be renewed (unless you use never expiring keys which of course you shouldn’t!).…

  • I don’t like Python



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    … and there’s a reason: Dependency Management. Coming from languages like Node, Go, and Rust I am used to decent dependency management (although Go was really bad at it for the first years, and has become decent only recently with the addition of go mod.). Python, in my opinion, lacks a good and well-defined Package…

  • TIL: k9s plugins



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    k9s is a powerful Kubernetes terminal UI. Recently, I discovered how to add plugins, to make it even more powerful and integrate with other tools and systems!

  • Eleventy 3.0.0-alpha.2



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    โœจ A small update on moving my website to 11ty 3.0.0-alpha.2

  • TIL: Why there is /bin and /usr/bin, /lib and /usr/lib, etc on Unix systems



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    If you’ve ever navigated around a Unix system you may have wondered why there are /bin and usr/bin directories or /lib and /usr/lib or /sbin and /usr/sbin – or like me, you just took it for something that probably has any meaning but isn’t relevant enough to look into. Well, today it became relevant: When…

  • Integrating WordPress Posts with 11ty



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    In this blog post I document how I integrated articles from a WordPress site into my 11ty website – it was surprisingly straight forward to do!

  • RE: Announcing Rust 1.73.0



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    Yay, Rust 1.73.0 has been released! Highlights include cleaner panic messages and the stabilisation of APIs, I’m especially happy about the stabilisation of unix APIs for `chown`, `fchown` and `lchown`.

  • Building for the web, with Rust and WebAssembly




    I’ve been wanting to build something in WebAssembly for a while and just recently it hit me that I have a thing: mktoc! mktoc is a table of contents generator written in Rust, it comes as a Binary and a Library and can be compiled into WebAssembly with zero effort!

  • Setting up a MacBook from scratch for the first time in 8 years



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    Oh boy, did I not think about a lot of stuf… For the past 8 or so years I’ve always used my work MacBook for all things dev, including private development. I’ve spent a lot of time setting up and changing my zsh, and later fish, configs, configuring iTerm, trying out different themes, … you…

  • Unpinned dependencies just broke my plugin




    Hello and welcome to a little recap! My 11ty MermaidJS plugin was just broken by MermaidJS release 10.0 because they no longer provided a minified JavaScript bundle and instead only provide a ESM module. My plugin was referencing by default for including the javascript code, but with version 10 this now leads to a…