Tag: Photography

  • Week 17: Home, Home, and the Library




    I’m off work for the week so I could spent some time at home with my family. I’ve also used to time to relax a bit, keeping away from my computer and not working on anything really (besides writing an abstract for Container Days! ๐Ÿ‘€)

  • A cold walk in the park

    A cold walk in the park

    The weather was really nice today, -6 degree Celsius with bright sunshine, so I headed out to the Kurpark to take some photos. I’m just falling more and more in love with the Fujifilm X-Pro 1, it gets me excited to go out and take photos! All photos are straight out of camera with no…

  • A bunch of selfies on pushed film

    A bunch of selfies on pushed film

    “Pushing film” means you shoot a film at a higher ISO than what it is rated for. Shooting a 100 ISO film at 200 ISO means it’s pushed +1 or “one stop”. Shooting it at 400 means it’s pushed +2 or “two stops” and so on. From my experience this increases the contrast and removes…