Week 6: Sports!

  • πŸ‹οΈ I went to the gym, yay! I hope I can finally keep at it, given I’ve been paying the membership for 3,5 yeas now and the longest streak I went was maybe 4 or 5 month.
  • πŸ€– I started working on a Rust Python Node Script to publish new posts on various social networks (Mastodon and LinkedIn)
  • 🀷 I’m still not sure how I want to consolidate my websites. I think I’ll move the photo blog to kevingimbel.de and the tech blog to kevin.gimbel.dev – and keep a secondary, German blog for all things life and whatever.
  • I’ve joined Bluesky, the new decentralised Twitter thingy. It feels a lot like the Old Twitter, with some fresh breath. I’m excited to see where this goes! I also plan on using this account privately and not for work; For work stuff you find me on Mastodon at @KevinGimbel@Fosstodon.org
  • πŸ¦β€β¬› I let ChatGPT write a poem about waifus on the internet in the style of Edgar Allan Poe – it did a pretty good job.
    My stand on AI is very torn; On one hand I see a lot of potential and it’s fun to experiment with it, especially in a chat based way. On the other hand they literally stole all the datasuper uncool; And super illegal I guess? If AI was a common good, trained on public data usable for free by the public it would be a different story, but the case is: OpenAI uses public data without given consent to train AI and sell it for profit (same as the other AI companies).
  • 😴 I spent two nights in a sleeping lab. Very weird to be hooked up to lots of cables and monitored with a camera and some sort of Infrared (I think). The employees where super nice, and the room I stayed in wasn’t bad as well. Late last year my wife suggested I may habe a Sleep apnea, a sleep disorder in which breathing stops at night (scary!) and the body goes into some sort of panic mode to wake you up; Mostly one doesn’t remember this the next day and the only clues we had was my (loud) snorting, which I’ve had all my life, and me feeling unrested and shit almost every morning no matter how much I slept the night before. So anyway, here we are. Glad it’s being looked into, and I’m very glad I got appointments so quickly.


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