Tag: Fomapan 400

  • A day at the Südfriedhof

    A day at the Südfriedhof

    A week ago I packed my Fujifilm X-Pro1 and Revue 6×6 and headed to the Südfriedhof in Wiesbaden, a huge cemetery I’ve wanted to visit since moving to Wiesbaden. I’ve always liked going to graveyards and enjoying the silence, looking at the different graves and searching for the oldest. Here are some of the photos,…

  • Fomapan 400 developed in Caffenol

    Fomapan 400 developed in Caffenol

    I’m hooked. Developing film at home is so exciting. After my experiment of shooting Fomapan 400 @ ISO 200 didn’t work out well (maybe because I light leaked the film a bit 😅), this experiment was a full blown success. Beside a few images that were underexposed all photos turned out great, and I’m truly…