Tag: Wiesbaden

  • Week 19: Fallout

    And that’s it already. Not so much happening really.

  • A cold walk in the park

    A cold walk in the park

    The weather was really nice today, -6 degree Celsius with bright sunshine, so I headed out to the Kurpark to take some photos. I’m just falling more and more in love with the Fujifilm X-Pro 1, it gets me excited to go out and take photos! All photos are straight out of camera with no…

  • A bunch of selfies on pushed film

    A bunch of selfies on pushed film

    “Pushing film” means you shoot a film at a higher ISO than what it is rated for. Shooting a 100 ISO film at 200 ISO means it’s pushed +1 or “one stop”. Shooting it at 400 means it’s pushed +2 or “two stops” and so on. From my experience this increases the contrast and removes…

  • A day at the Südfriedhof

    A day at the Südfriedhof

    A week ago I packed my Fujifilm X-Pro1 and Revue 6×6 and headed to the Südfriedhof in Wiesbaden, a huge cemetery I’ve wanted to visit since moving to Wiesbaden. I’ve always liked going to graveyards and enjoying the silence, looking at the different graves and searching for the oldest. Here are some of the photos,…

  • Lunch break walk

    Lunch break walk

    In my lunch break I took my Fujifilm X30 for a walk through town and tested a new black and white preset I created. I love the strong blacks and subtle, almost soft greys it gives.

  • Revue 6×6 aka Seagull 4a

    Revue 6×6 aka Seagull 4a

    I didn’t really plan on buying a new camera, but then the Revue 6×6 in seemingly good condition for a decent price was listed on eBay near me. So I contacted the seller, we agreed to meet so I could take a look at the camera and I was very positively surprised! The condition is…

  • Shooting 120 film on a camera from the 1930s

    Shooting 120 film on a camera from the 1930s

    >inb4 the camera may be from the late 1930s or 1940s. I couldn’t figure this out, but the Zeiss Ikon Nettar was released in 1937 and it just sounds a lot better to say it’s a camera from the 1930s. So anyway, I bought a Zeiss Ikon Nettar for 10€ on eBay and loaded it…

  • The day my camera skipped half a roll

    The day my camera skipped half a roll

    It’s a sunny cloudy day and I’ve decided to take a walk through the neighbourhood to get away from my computer screen and finish a roll of film. I already took 18 shots the day before, so with “only” 18 left I felt like I could quite easily finish the roll and develop it the…

  • First images with the Konica Autoreflex T4

    First images with the Konica Autoreflex T4

    I just got back the negatives from the lab and scanned them at home, Images are great and I’m super happy with the results. Will definitely use this camera again.

  • Friday walk

    Friday walk

    I went for a nice walk through the neighbourhood and snapped some picture, some of which you can see below! I always enjoy walking around Wiesbaden and finding all kinds of nice buildings. This time I used my Fujifilm X30 camera with a polarising filter and shot with the LCD screen instead of through the…